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What vitamin deficiencies cause ...

What vitamin deficiency causes blue nails?

Nail changes in vitamin B12 deficiency present as hyperpigmentation of nails like bluish discoloration of nails, blue-black pigmentation with dark longitudinal streaks, and longitudinal and reticulate darkened streaks. The nail pigmentation associated with B12 deficiency is more frequent in patients with dark skin.間質性膀胱炎中醫治療

What is a home remedy for toenail discoloration?

Baking soda has strong antifungal effects. Soaking your thick yellow toenails in baking soda and water can combat fungal infections. Applying 100% tea tree oil to affected toenails twice daily can help ease symptoms. Olive leaf extract has both antibacterial and antifungal effects.

What is a natural remedy for toenail discoloration?

Baking soda has strong antifungal effects. Soaking your thick yellow toenails in baking soda and water can combat fungal infections. Applying 100% tea tree oil to affected toenails twice daily can help ease symptoms. Olive leaf extract has both antibacterial and antifungal effects.兒童近視控制鏡片比較

What does calcium deficiency look like?

If levels of calcium are low for long periods, people may develop dry scaly skin, brittle nails, and coarse hair. Muscle cramps involving the back and legs are common.

Why is my nail turning GREY?

Nail fungus, also called onychomycosis, is one of the most prevalent causes of toenail discoloration. The most common organism to cause toenail fungus is called dermatophyte. However, mold or yeast can also infect toenails. Dermatophytes grow by eating your body's keratin.

Is nail discoloration common?

Melanonychia is the term for dark pigmentation of the fingernails or toenails. The discoloration can be a natural occurrence in people with dark skin, but it may sometimes indicate health issues.

What kills fingernail fungus the fastest?

Oral antifungal drugs.

These drugs are often the first choice. One option is itraconazole (Sporanox). These drugs help a new nail grow free of infection, slowly replacing the infected part.

When should you remove a toenail?

What are some other conditions that might lead to toenail removal? Ingrown toenails: This gives your toes the chance to grow back in the right shape and direction. Toenail tumors: Nail removal is the best way to treat these tumors. Trauma to the nail: If your toenail has broken, it might be best to remove it.灰甲治療方法

What causes darkened nails?

Melanonychia is caused when the pigment cells, called melanocytes, deposit melanin - brown-colored pigment - into the nail. These deposits are usually grouped together. As your nail grows, it causes the stripe of brown or black to appear on your nail.

What color are nails with kidney failure?

Kidney disease can affect the appearance of your fingernails, toenails, or both. People who have advanced kidney disease can develop: A white color on the upper part of one or more nails and a normal to reddish brown color below, as shown here (half-and-half nails) Pale nails.