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{Stephanie Beatriz, #EspecialOrgulhoLGBTQ+, post 44}

"Bisexuality often needs an explanation. It isn’t something you can often “read” on a person, and because of that bi people sometimes feel like an invisible part of the LGBTQIA community. People’s sexuality is often defined by who we’re partnered with at any given moment, which can be a frustrating limitation for me. I’ve had countless tiny “coming out” moments in my life, often simply to explain to someone else that they have misjudged my sexuality based on who they saw me dating. Now I have a small platform of visibility, because I’m on a fun and (if I do say so myself) damn good television show. I’ve chosen to use that platform to speak openly about my bi-ness, because of other people who may feel invisible and unsure of whether or not to come out as bisexual.

I wasn't drinking this Pride, but let me tell you that I was drunk on the love we received. Everywhere you looked, a sea of LGBTQ family and allies were dancing, shouting, waving flags, smiling and laughing. It was fucking electric. I could not stop smiling. In the crowd, the bi community came to represent, wearing the colors, waving our flags. We would scream in recognition when we saw each other, pointing and waving. “I see you,” I kept yelling while jumping up and down. And the bi fans of the show, my God. When I tell you I have never been moved like that, it is not a lie. There were so many times I would lock eyes with someone yelling my name and we would simultaneously yell “I LOVE YOU” at each other.

Speaking from personal experience, it feels so fucking good to be out. It’s still scary sometimes—I feel like an outsider so often. But those moments of discomfort are worth it, because living authentically gives me so much joy and feels so honest and good. In October, I will marry a heterosexual man. We’ll make vows that I will take very seriously—till death do us part. But I’ll be bi till the day I die, baby, and I vow to myself to always sing that truth."

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