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[Liniker, m a r a v i l h o s a!]

"When you see these numbers, it makes you despair, (...) It is a privilege to be a singer who has some notoriety. There's a huge difference between what I experience and what anonymous trans people live through. That's why I always say that we have to stick together no matter what. If we don't do that, we are surely going to be erased by history."

"We were touring and composing Remonta at the same time, right after our videos became famous on the Internet. During eight months, a lot happened inside of me and this transformation—that is actually never ending—appeared in the album. I was coming out from a bubble. Getting away from past lovers and choosing to let them go. My goal is to make everyone understand that it is natural to have feelings, to like somebody and fall in love. Today I feel how relationships and affection are ripped from trans people's life. I feel this is not as simple for us. We are marginalized and that's why we need to talk about this."

Sua entrevista completa para a PaperMag ♥

Entrevista com Laerte ♥

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