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Is Sao good-looking?

Is Sao good-looking?

Sword Art Online is definitely worth a watch. This remarkable, tasteful anime series has some thoughtful themes that are perfect for the teens in the audience.

What is the number one Korean drama in the world?

The 50 Most Viewed TV Dramas of All Time in Korea
(2020) Rating: 28.371%-
Reborn Rich (2022) Rating: 24.936%-
Sky Castle( 2018) Rating: 23.779%-
2019) Rating: 21.683%-
1988 (2015) Rating: 18.803%
Mr. Sunshine (2018)
Special Prosecutor Wu (2022)
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Where are the people from Snow Flower Mountain now?

The Ohio native has moved to Santa Monica, California, since the show aired.

What anime left Netflix?

"Death Note", "Vampire Knight" and other animations will leave Netflix in October 2022.

Why are shows leaving Netflix?

That's because Netflix doesn't own all the content it streams. The deals it makes with networks, production houses and movie studios mean that this content comes out in abundance, and unfortunately, with surprising regularity.

Did Netflix Get Rid of Sword Art Online?

When is Sword Art Online planning to leave Netflix? Sword Art Online is scheduled to leave Netflix on June 1, 2019. You will not be able to stream the show on Netflix on June 2 unless Netflix renews the show's license.

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What princess was woken up by a kiss?

Does ice sharpen blades?

Who are the richest celebrities in Hong Kong?

Here are the richest people in Hong Kong. As of January 2023, the richest man in Hong Kong is Lee Shau Kee. How does your net worth compare to the wealth of the richest people in Hong Kong? billion dollar net worth.

Who married Fan Xian?

Chen Pingping, director of the Guardian Committee, believes that Fan Xian has great potential, and sends Fei Jie, director of the Third Bureau, to train Fan Xian in poison and medicine. The royal family arranges for Fan Xian to marry Lin Waner (played by Li Qin), the prime minister's daughter.