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How to rescue and adopt stray an...

I often hear many friends say: "I saw a stray cat or a stray dog somewhere. It's so sad. 貓沖涼 it. "As an animal protection volunteer, this kind of news happens every day and there are many of them. We can't always have time to stay somewhere. And an animal will walk around and not behave and wait where it is. By the time a volunteer arrives, it may have left the scene and never be found again. That is why we have always advocated that the finder is the first rescuer and the stray animal is rescued first, so that it will not be harmed or lost again.

Since the research finder may have never rescued a stray animal on site, or even never kept a pet, 動物救援 out how to administer the rescue, and for this reason we need to be able to tell you here for some of the problems our own summarized experience to help you socially rescue the stray animal model. If you are an educational professional in this area, you are welcome to give us good advice on learning more about our country.

What should I do when I see a stray dog/cat?

1. How do you know if it is a stray dog?

Usually, we see an animal moving freely in the street. It may be a cat or a dog, but it is not necessarily a stray animal. There are still many families in China who are keeping pets on a loose basis, so our rescuers should not be impulsive and must carefully identify if it is a stray animal.

Basic physical appearance system characteristics of stray living animals.

Meow: A year-round wind participant, it can be thin (except for those little fatties farmed in Beijing), no cat collar around its neck, most people are wary and hard to approach, some have obvious injuries, and if the leg is lame or obviously abused, then we don't hesitate to rescue!

Dogs: also very thin, dirty, will be very alert to people and help immediately if there are obvious wounds.

The above are the basics, but there will be exceptions because many stray animals are abandoned or lost by their families, so these strays are born to ask for help and are the easiest type to rescue because they are easy to approach and adopt. But they are also the type most likely to be hurt by bad people. If you see a bruised puppy or kitten outside wagging its tail, or trying to get close to you, help them! It's asking for your help.

Here there is also such a state exception is free-range pets, you see a small animal in the slink around but no research to find trauma first do not rush, to try to pass observation for a few days, first of all to see if it recently developed will often appear in the same place economy, whether there are other people are feeding it? You can ask people in the surrounding environment whether they need to see this animal often, as well as to improve whether they already know among themselves whether it has no owner? When these social questions have been answered correctly and it is confirmed that it is a stray animal, we teachers should fully consider whether students rescue it or not.

2. Do you want to save a stray cat?

The only reason for asking this question is that there are some differences between stray cats and stray dogs. Cats can survive in the wild without being harmed by humans, cats can react to extreme changes in their living environment or to the stress that occurs when we rescue them, and are prone to liver and kidney problems. So, not all stray cats need help, so how can we tell if a cat needs help?