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Foreign trade seo promotion how ...

Many companies consider Google optimization when promoting foreign trade networks because Google 外贸推广公司, can achieve 24-hour display, and has higher stability once the ranking rises. You can also continue to expand the long tail keywords. If a company intends to do foreign trade for a long time, then Google optimization is a good choice and the direction of development. However, the professionalism of Google optimization is high, although many companies have produced foreign trade websites, but currently it is not clear how to do Google optimization, resulting in the final ranking does not go. The following shares with you what factors affect Google ranking optimization.

First, valuable original content

The importance of content in Google optimization ranking is also growing. As Google emphasizes user experience, high click-through rates and time spent on the site can help a company rank. The key to retaining users is content. No matter how well designed a website is, if the content is not engaging, users will not stay on the site for long. Therefore, companies need to provide users with the content they need, such as the company's flagship products, company profiles, engineering case studies, customer reviews, FAQs, industry insights, etc. Through user analytics, you can find out what issues and pain points they care about most. For example, customers are more concerned about the price, or the quality of the product, or the research and development of the technology, they care about the specific point of the development content that will attract their attention. In addition, most users who enter the website not only care about the product, but also assess the strength of the company, which can be demonstrated by using the company's office space, factory videos, credentials, etc. Please note that all companies insist on original content, a lot of copy and paste will affect the inclusion and ranking.

Second, continuous content update

In the foreign trade website promotion, one with a very important board is through the news board, news board teaching content of the continuous development of updates we can effectively attract Google search engine spiders into the Chinese website data for analysis crawl, included, the ranking of the site is also a very helpful. High-quality articles can also do long-tail keywords ranking, increase their own website design traffic, while students if no user will share the article out, will also help the site's ranking. Of course teachers need to pay more attention to the news constantly updated education is not just for companies to update the news research dynamic, corporate culture needs to write around keywords to provide products and industry dry articles, and in the title, content reasonably embedded in the keywords. High-quality article content will be loved by Google and users.

Third, the external link

In Google search engine, link means vote, a site link b site is equivalent to a site vote for b site, the quality and quantity of imported links indirectly affect the weight of our site in the search engine, this is what we call the external link. However, due to the reasons in the previous years, many sites use external links to cheat to get the ranking of Google. In the constant update of Google algorithm, the demand of external chain is also increasing. Spamming external chain is not only detrimental to the ranking of the website, but also leads to the reduction of website authority. Therefore, companies must choose high-quality and highly relevant websites when making external links.