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Dear bad husband

Give it to her! Don't let Ah Yi know she's still alive and tell her there's no next time! Xie Yayun said in a cold voice. Qin Ruotong is not dead, but she wants to plot the secret of the Tang family's property has been discovered by the Tang family's mother and daughter, which of course includes her hypocrisy to Tang Yiqing. Right! How is Ah Yi recently? "It's not the same!"! During the day in the company as cold as a statue, at night in the PUB, wake up every morning in a different woman's bed, do you think this is very full? Tang Yixuan insinuated her eldest brother, she knew that the eldest brother had never forced others, but why did so many women prefer to humiliate themselves? "Xiao Xuan, don't say that about your eldest brother. He's been stimulated too much." Xie Yayun said and sighed, alas! Who can afford to have a wedding and a funeral in a month? I remember the day when Qin Ruotong was going to be buried, the mother and daughter said that they would not let Ah Yi go to the funeral. On the surface, they said they were afraid that he would be too sad, but in fact they were worried that he would make a mistake. On the same day, Qin Ruotong signed the divorce agreement,chrome washing machine, and the price that the Tang family had to pay was 60 million and a seaside villa. After that, she and Xiao Xuan waited for Ah Yi's love for Qin Ruotong to decrease over time, but did not expect him to speak for Qin Ruotong blindly, thinking that their mother and daughter were creating rumors out of nothing. Once they said there was evidence, he would deny their words, thinking that forgery did not take time to prove,coltan ore processing, nor was it enough to prove anything. Thinking of this, Xie Yayun could not help sighing again. Shuqi, do you think she is a lesbian? Whoo! No, it should be bisexual! Asked a heavily made-up woman in the dressing room. No way I don't think she's a Tomboy or a bisexual. Narcissism is more likely. The other woman said what she thought. Narcissism? Eh? That's a good description! Look at her, she always dresses herself up meticulously, either in black or gray suits, short skirts, or trousers, plus thick glasses on the bridge of her nose, as if she would be bored to death, sodium cyanide price ,mineral flotation, really can't stand it! Who would believe that she was only twenty-eight years old? After listening to the exaggerated criticism of the woman who painted her face as a wall, the woman named Shuqi began to laugh happily. Right! I don't think she's ever been in love! "What kind of love do you fall in love with?"? I don't think she knows how happy a man and a woman in a room can be, maybe. She paused for a moment, put her mouth to the ear of the woman named Shuqi, and whispered, "Maybe!"! She didn't even know what it was like to kiss, and even if she put her mouth close to her, no man would talk to her. An action performance by a woman with a face like a palette. Meixin, you are so poisonous! However It's like telling the truth! Who wants a woman who only has work and work in her eyes all day long? If she hadn't gone out again now, how could we have talked here for so long? "Yes!" After a long period of time, the two women probably had a conscience and felt that they had been mixed up for too long, and finally went back to work. At this time, Jiang Qingfei also came out from the innermost toilet. She didn't mean to hide inside and eavesdrop on other people's conversations. But she was going to talk about business because of a temporary stomachache, and agreed to postpone the meeting with the other party. It happened that she had a good time and heard a wonderful criticism. Of course she knew she was the main character in their conversation. Jiang Qingfei also knows who the two women are. One is Hong Meixin, the "beautiful baby" of the company, which is of course her shameless name. The other is Yang Shuqi, the "radio station", who can play up a small thing into a big one. Unfortunately, both of them are assistants in her group. Glancing at herself in the mirror in the dressing room, Xiao Fei remembered their conversation just now. Is there no man who wants even my own sacrifice? She murmured to herself.
Ask for love PUB Tang Yiqing sat alone at the bar drinking wine, and from time to time he heard the laughter of men and women, but his thoughts drifted far, far away. It was Ruotong's 24th birthday. He and she were celebrating in the dormitory. Maybe it was alcohol, maybe he couldn't resist the temptation. He possessed Ruotong. "Ah Yi." Qin Ruotong kissed Tang Yiqing's lips and quickly took off his clothes. Ruotong, I'm so sleepy. Tang Yiqing only felt that his head was so heavy that he didn't know what would happen next. It was not until the sun rose in the east the next day that golden rays of light shone into the room from outside the window and hit a pair of people on the bed. The dazzling light made Tang Yiqing slowly open his eyes. The feeling of hangover was really uncomfortable. When he was about to get up and freshen up, he found Qin Ruotong lying beside him. A Yi.. Qin Ruotong called his name shyly and timidly. Ruotong?! Seeing the messy bedding, the blood on the bed, and the naked self and her, Tang Yiqing seemed to understand what had happened last night-he took away Ruotong's virginity. Ruotong, you can rest assured that I will treat you well. Tang Yiqing made a promise to Qin Ruotong. He believed that there were very few women who were willing to stay by his side and take care of himself without complaint, and did not care whether he was rich or not. Tang Yiqing was more sure of his feelings for Qin Ruotong a month before he was about to return to Taiwan. "Ah Yi, it's not good!" Alex, a colleague of Tang Yiqing who works in a restaurant, hurried to the back door to stop Tang Yiqing who was about to throw away the garbage. What happened? Seeing that you are in such a hurry,coltan ore processing, do you want to borrow money again? Tang Yiqing knows that Alex likes to play a little, and his studies in the United States are coming to an end, so it doesn't matter to give him this month's salary. No! It's the hospital calling to say something happened to your girlfriend! Ruotong?! What's wrong with Ruotong?! Tang Yiqing shook Aelx's shoulders and asked nervously. I don't know. Let's go to the hospital first. Alex said.