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14 de agosto de 2019 às 09:29 82 views

#Especial Visibilidade Lésbica, Megan Rapinoe  heart heart heart

“I can’t imagine that for the people who were upset, my being a pink-haired, unapologetically flaming gay lesbian was sitting well. They were probably like, “Oh, you’re so in our face!” Rather than being a regular white girl in the 1 percent, I have a totally different perspective on things, and it’s the basis for all the activism that I do. I don’t feel like I’ve experienced a lot of homophobia or people hanging out of windows calling me a fag or anything, but being gay has shaped my life’s view.”

“In this incredible moment that I have, I would like to use this platform to unify people. That doesn’t mean get everybody to the left, but I want to bring everybody to the conversation, and the basis of it is equal rights. My big, I don’t know, “message” right now is that every person has a responsibility to be a participant in this society and make it a better place for everybody, in whatever capacity they can. And I’m just trying to do the best that I can to inspire people to feel confident that they have the ability to be an active participant in this country, in their community, in their family. And having hard conversations is the only way we can start to move forward.”


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