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13 de julho de 2019 às 09:48 84 views

#EspecialLGBT+, King Princess  heart heart heart

"My work is also definitely informed by my queerness. Not to generalize, but I feel
like queer people are so good at making things; so many of us are so artistic and
intuitive. While I was figuring out who I was and how I wanted to self-identify, I
started watching anything and everything that was really gay: TV shows, films,
shows online, all of it. There was one point when I stopped watching straight
shows altogether because I didn't want to want to look at fucking straight people
anymore. Today I gravitate towards art with real substance more than anything,
but I’ll still check out anything queer, because it was so foundational to my sense
of self.
I guess I really came out in middle school. I had my first queer kiss in the eigth
grade. It was over the summer, and this girl I was friends with asked me directly
if I wanted to kiss her at a party. Immediately after we kissed I was like, "Fuck.
That was good. I’m gay.” Six years later, queer love continues to teach me more
and more about who I am.
There is something so powerful and layered to it when two women love each
other. There’s this inherent foundation in friendship, mutual respect, support, and
connection that I experience in relationships with other women. I’ve learned so
much from the women I’ve loved. I think that queer love is really beautiful,
obviously, but wild and complicated, too.
The queer community still has work to do, especially right now. We still
encounter unfathomable amounts of hatred every day; we have people in power
literally attacking our most basic human rights. And I see so much hostility on the
internet even between queer people, and I do not think we can afford to be
resentful towards each other right now. We are all we have. We need to treat
ourselves and each other with patience, kindness, and understanding."

Entrevista e sessão para Them  heart

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