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20 de janeiro de 2021 às 18:21 45 views

Na multidão dos meus pensamentos dentro de mim, as tuas consolações recrearam a minha alma.

Tehilim (Salmos) 94:19

Oh Yahuh Ulhim.


Mas Yahuh  é a minha defesa; e o meu Ulhim  é a rocha do meu refúgio.

Tehilim (Salmos) 94:22


Ulhim do hebraico significa -  Ser Eterno Soberano.

Os yahudim de hoje falam muito Elohim,  mas o Ul  vêio bem antes, é original enquanto o el  vêio muito depois.   Anunciamos o hebraico original.

Estudos- G. Ldn.  20/01/2.021



En la multitud de mis pensamientos dentro de mí, tus consuelos recrearon mi alma. Tehilim (Salmos) 94:19 Oh Yahuh Ulhim. . Pero Yahuh es mi defensa; y mi Ulhim es la roca de mi refugio. Tehilim (Salmos) 94:22 . Ulhim del hebreo significa - Ser Soberano Eterno. Los yahudim de hoy hablan mucho de Elohim, pero Ul lo vio mucho antes, es original mientras que el lo vio mucho después. Anunciamos el hebreo original. Estudios- G. Ldn. 20/01 / 2.021



In the multitude of my thoughts within me, your consolations recreated my soul. Tehilim (Psalms) 94:19 Oh Yahuah  Ulhim. . But Yahuah  is my defense; and my Ulhim is the rock of my refuge. Tehilim (Psalms) 94:22 . Ulhim from Hebrew means - Eternal Sovereign Being. Today's yahudim speak a lot of Elohim, but Ul saw it well before, it is original while el saw it much later. We announce the original Hebrew. Studies- G. Ldn. 01/20 / 2,021 . But Yahuh is my defense; and my Ulhim is the rock of my refuge. Tehilim (Psalms) 94:22 . Ulhim from Hebrew means - Eternal Sovereign Being. Today's yahudim speak a lot of Elohim, but Ul saw it well before, it is original while el saw it much later. We announce the original Hebrew. Studies- G. Ldn. 01/20 / 2,021

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