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[Star Wars] Different missions for several helmets

Ubeth Helm

When you really need camouflage (for example, for a daring recovery mission), you can't go wrong with the Uber head protection. Its excellent front-mounted screen, well-known microphone and asymmetrical conditions make it unique. However, it cannot prioritize development over wars helmet It hides skin expressions and its special voice disruptor perfectly blocks any look. Your personal partner will never doubt who likes to wear this head restraint!

dead soldier

The Imperial Army is a threat, but have you considered these guys? crawl! Their black safety helmets have a gorgeous natural hue that makes them even more spooky. Dying Soldier's long, slender, slightly angular safety helmets are menacing from the start, and the resulting darkness seems like you want to know if these elite troops are robots, humans...or something else.


【Star Wars】style cosplay head protection

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