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What is the difference between c...

What is the difference between cause and just cause?

If no just cause exists, the employer is obliged to give reasonable advance notice of dismissal or compensate the employee in lieu of notice. However, if grounds exist, the employer may immediately dismiss the employee without any further obligation. 無法懷孕

Do you feel pregnant after 2 days?

This is a difficult concept to understand at first, and many people wonder if they have any symptoms during the first 72 hours of pregnancy, but again, due to the way pregnancy is calculated, , you won't feel pregnant for the first 3 days. Probably 3 weeks of symptoms.

Do miscarriages start slowly?

Miscarriage may take several days

For example, in some cases a pregnant woman may begin bleeding within hours of receiving the diagnosis, while in other cases even if the process of miscarriage takes several days. It may not start until a week later. Pregnancy is impossible.不孕不育症狀

What is a miscarriage?

Most women won't see anything discernible if they miscarry at this point. During bleeding, blood clots or small fluid-filled sacs may be visible. The fetus is about the size of a pinky nail, and the placenta may be visible inside. Sac.

What is the difference between a miscarriage and a complete miscarriage?

Complete miscarriage: Products of conception have been expelled and the cervix is closed (see table of characteristic symptoms and signs of spontaneous miscarriage) Missed miscarriage: Death of the embryo or fetus has been confirmed, but bleeding or the cervix is closed. No expansion is seen, and the conceptus is not expelled.

Can I tell if I'm pregnant without taking a test?

Late periods, breast pain or tenderness, increased fatigue, and nausea (morning sickness) are all common symptoms in early pregnancy. Some people experience pregnancy symptoms before their period is late.

How long is a long-term illness?

4 weeks What is long-term illness? Long-term illness is being absent from work for more than four consecutive weeks. This type of absenteeism can have a variety of reasons, including: unexpected illness. <FC-b24b94cacb837764ecae0e43bdc45048 >

Which fruits are good for pregnancy?

Follow a healthy diet to get the nutrients you need during pregnancy [PDF - 1.82 MB] Choose your favorite combination of healthy foods from each food group, including: Whole fruits - Apples, berries, oranges, mangoes, bananas, etc. - Broccoli, sweet potatoes, beets, okra, spinach, green peppers, jicama, etc.

What antibiotics are used for threatened miscarriage?

Our results demonstrate that empiric dual antibiotic therapy with amoxicillin and erythromycin or clindamycin is beneficial and safe for the treatment of threatened abortion in the first trimester in patients with a history of spontaneous abortion. Masu.

What does the cervix feel like during pregnancy?

When you're not pregnant, your cervix feels firm. During early pregnancy, the cervix is high and soft. When should I see a doctor? Women who think they may be pregnant should see a doctor.終止懷孕方法