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Jinling Xiayin

"But there's no man left in the Hsieh family," said Hsieh Hanyun. Xie Hanyue said excitedly: "There is one, that is Niang most reluctant to part with a person, for your nonsense, for my cowardice, Niang had to make the greatest sacrifice!" "Who is it?" Asked Xie Hanyun strangely. "Wang Feixia," said Xie Hanyue. "What?" Cried Xie Hanyun? Is it Lao Wang? Xie Hanyue glanced at her and said, "You can't call him that in the future. He's our father!" "What?" Cried Xie Hanyun? He's going to be our father? "Yes!" Cried Xie Hanyue! Mother will marry him tonight, and tomorrow he will fight on our behalf. His marriage has been delayed for twenty years. "No," cried Xie Hanyun! In any case, I can't take a slave as my father! Xie Hanyue sighed lightly and said, "Don't say that.". Lao Wang is famous in Jianghu. How can he be a slave? "No matter how famous he is in Jianghu," said Xie Hanyun, "he's always a slave in my family. I'll never recognize him." "You don't have to admit it," said Hsieh Hanyue. "He's going to die tomorrow." Xie Hanyun cried, "Even if he dies today and his mother marries him, he will be our father." Xie Hanyue said with a wry smile, "None of the Xie family has a father. They don't even have a title. Lao Wang won't be surnamed Wang tomorrow." Xie Hanyun was stunned and said, "If his surname isn't Wang,plastic cosmetic tubes, can he follow our surname Xie?" Xie Hanyue nodded and said, "Yes, our father's surname is not Xie either, but after he sold his life for the Xie family for fifteen years, he still hasn't earned back his own surname. Aren't we still surnamed Xie?" Xie Hanyun exclaimed, "I've never been clear about this muddled account of the Xie family, and I don't want to be clear about it,tube lip gloss, but this Lao Wang.." Xie Hanyue sighed lightly, "Wang Feixia knew Niang long before our father. They had a good relationship thirty years ago. If Niang wanted to marry him, she would have married him twenty years ago.." Xie Hanyun was stunned and said, "It was thirty years ago and twenty years ago. I was simply confused by you!" Xie Hanyue said, "Niang met Wang Feixia thirty years ago, and they have been in a good relationship. But Niang never married him. Our father was Niang's fourth husband, but the first three husbands were very short-lived. They got married the night before and died the next day." Xie Hanyun asked, "But was he killed by the Han family?" Xie Hanyue nodded and went on to say, "Our father has lived the longest. He has been a couple for fifteen years, but Niang doesn't love him. What Niang loves is Wang Feixia.." Xie Hanyun couldn't help asking, "Why didn't she marry him earlier?" Xie Hanyue smiled sadly and said, "Just like the reason why I refused to marry Du Qing.". Unwilling to see him killed by the Han family! Xie Hanyun was stunned and said sadly for a long time, "I also feel strange. Niang has always been very polite to Lao Wang. That's the reason, custom cosmetic packing ,pump tube, but Niang finally married him!" Xie Hanyue said in a deep voice, "This is the result of your nonsense. If you hadn't dragged Zha Ziqiang to the backyard to see the sword marks left by Du Qing, and if you hadn't taken Zha Ziqiang away, Niang wouldn't have sent her lover of thirty years to a dead end!" "It's your fault," said Xie Hanyun. "You've been hiding the truth from me." "I didn't know that before," said Hsieh Hanyue! Mother only told me about her relationship with Lao Wang today, reminding me of the responsibility of the daughter of the Xie family. This is her last marriage. Even if she wants to marry for me in the future, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to find a partner. At her age, no one will be willing to work hard for her.
” "Is Lao Wang sure to die tomorrow?" Asked Xie Hanyun. Xie Hanyue nodded sadly and said, "Yes!"! The swordsmanship of the Han family is changing with each passing day. It is by no means our enemy. If Lao Wang could beat them, he would have married his mother long ago. That would be delayed until now.. "Tomorrow it will be Lao Wang," said Xie Hanyun. "Three years later it will be Zha Ziqiang. What about six years later?" "It's your second sister's husband," said Hsieh Hanyue. "I hope she can find a better husband. Otherwise, it will be your husband's turn in nine years.." Xie Hanyun blushed and said, "I won't marry.." Xie Hanyue sighed: "As the daughter of the Xie family, there is no choice. After we all become widows, we can remarry from me.." "How long will it take to go on like this?" Cried Hsieh Hanyun. Xie Hanyue said, "When we can't find the husband who died, then the Han family can.." "What can I do?" Asked Xie Hanyun. "It's a secret," said Xie Hanyue. "I can't tell you until the time comes. Anyway, this is a matter of great importance. If it doesn't work tomorrow, we must send a representative every three years, a representative who will die! "Just find a representative," said Hsieh Hanyun. "Why do we have to get married?" Xie Hanyue said, "The representative of the competition must be a relative of the Xie family, and he must be a man. At the same time, the man's swordsmanship must be very skillful, because before the competition, both sides must pass three tests before they are qualified to fight. Otherwise, I can just marry a man. Why do I have to find a swordsman?" Xie Hanyun said, "What's the point of this three-year sword competition? Apart from killing myself, it's almost no good. I really don't understand. What's the good of fighting like this?" Xie Hanyue said, "I only know that the relationship is very important, but I don't know what the reason is.". Niang is the only one who knows the inside story. If I marry Zha Ziqiang tonight, Niang will tell me tomorrow and give me the responsibility. Now I have to wait another three years! Xie Hanyun thinks to ask again: "When going to duel tomorrow, those people go?" Xie Hanyue said, "In the past, it was my mother and father who went there every time. Tomorrow, it was my mother and Wang Feixia who went there. But my mother asked me to go and have a look. I felt very strange." "There's nothing strange about that," said Hsieh Hanyun. "Niang is going to ask you to take over her burden. Naturally, she wants you to find out about the situation first." Xie Hanyue shook her head and said, "I don't think it's that simple. I'm afraid Niang has ulterior motives." "What is your intention?" Asked Xie Hanyun. Xie Hanyue hesitated to speak, and finally sighed softly: "I don't know,plastic packing tube, let's go back!"! The night is already very deep, the day is bright, I will accompany Niang they to set out! 。