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Watch out for invalid temperatur...

Ear thermometer measurement can be convenient, high precision, and favored by many Chinese students' families. However, ear thermometer and attention to safety matters in the use of the ear thermometer, so Wang Linbin from the Equipment Department of Hangzhou First People's Hospital will give you a brief introduction.

The working principle of the ear thermometer

An ear thermometer measures the patient's body temperature by detecting the infrared absorption spectrum emitted by the tympanic membrane (equivalent to the inferior optic thalamus). Since the eardrum is located in the skull close to the inferior colliculus, the center of the normal body temperature management control system, it is fully developed and supplied by different carotid arteries, so when there is a change in the central working temperature of the human body, it can be studied in real time by the temperature change of the eardrum and then extrapolated to the oral or anal temperature, which can be used as a reference for the ambient temperature. This can be used as a reference for ambient temperature.

The hypothalamus is the central point of body temperature. Since the blood flow in the tympanic membrane and surrounding tissues is connected to the blood flow near the hypothalamus, the temperature behind the tympanic membrane is similar to the temperature of the central point of body temperature and is therefore one of the first sites to reflect fever.

Normal body temperature is a range

The human body carries a normal body temperature is a corporate range, and temperatures measured at different student ages and at different locations have their own possible differences; therefore, even if they are measured at the same working point in time, they should not directly affect the comparison of temperatures measured at different locations.

The normal body temperature range of the human body varies with the developmental age of the student, and the following table shows the range of influence of the normal working temperature measured at different corporate ages and at different locations.

Ear thermometers should not be used in this situation

Clinical studies have shown that infrared thermometers can accurately measure the temperature of full-term newborns, children, and adults, but there are specific situations in which an ear thermometer should not be used. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Blood or pus in the external ear canal

2. Acute or chronic signs of inflammation in the external ear canal

3. Excessive ear wax in the ear canal resulting in a completely blockable ear canal

4. An ear canal containing prescription ear drops or other medications

These are some of the things to keep in mind when measuring ear temperature

1. Place the probe close to the ear canal, pointing to the opposite temple.

2. Keep the ear thermometer probe in the ear canal in a socially stable development

3. To disassemble the used ear temperature cannula, press the probe cannula eject button

4. A new clean ear thermometer sleeve should be installed on the ear thermometer before each measurement

5. When testing children, it is best to gently pull the ear back to the upper part (ear canal straightened)

6. It is best to take three measurements in both ears or in one ear alone and take the highest value

Tips for daily use and maintenance

If the thermometer is to be used for a long time, daily use and maintenance is also important:

1. To ensure the accuracy of the temperature measurement data, you should try to keep the temperature measurement head clean and intact.

2. After measuring the temperature data with a cotton swab or soft cloth moistened with alcohol to gently wipe the surface of the thermometer head, when the alcohol can be completely different evaporated, you can put on a new ear temperature cover and pass the measurement again.

3. When cleaning the body, place a new probe cover on the probe to provide additional protection for the area.

4. remove the battery when cleaning the body.