
Today: 4
Week: 6
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• Frases do filme


• Ela Dança, Eu Danço

(Step Up, EUA, 2006)

Frases em Inglês

- Tyler Gage : I'll do it.

Nora : Do what?

Tyler Gage : I don't know, whatever y'all trying to do out here...

Nora : You wanna lift me? Are you kidding?

Tyler Gage : Does it look like I'm kidding?

- Nora : Catch me!

(she ballerina jumps into Tyler's arms)

Tyler Gage : (he catches her and holds her) Now what?

Nora : Okay, um, I get it. You're not gonna use me to get out of cleaning the windows, even if you were capable of dancing.

Tyler Gage : I'm not trying to get out of anything. And I know you saw me the other day.

Nora : Thank you, but, umm, I can find someone else.

Tyler Gage : (Goes to leave) Aight. I was just trying to help.

Nora : Okay, wait.

(He stops and turns around)

Nora : Catch me.

Tyler Gage : (She runs towards him and he catches her, then he lets her fall in his arms) Now what?

Nora : Um... put me down.

(He puts her down)

- Tyler Gage : What? I'm not late

Nora : You're not dress either... You can change at the back

Tyler Gage : I can change here...

(taking of his jacket)

Nora : I told you to bring tights

Tyler Gage : Do I look like I own tights?

Nora : Shoes?

Tyler Gage : I move better with them

• Ela Dança, Eu Danço 2

(Step Up 2 the Streets, EUA, 2008)

Frases em Inglês

(from trailer)

- Chase Collins : She has more talent, more conviction than anyone else I know!

- Andie : Look, the streets is about where you're from. It's not some school talent show. There's no spring floors. There's no spotlights to use what you got and... what makes you think you got it, huh?

Chase Collins : Aren't you late for something, Andie?

(Andie gets angry and turns around and leaves)

Chase Collins : (smiles) And three... two... one

(Andie turns around to see him)

- Chase Collins : So that's it, huh?

Andie : (sighs) I guess so...
